Dawson, Minnesota
Current conditions as reported at Dawson, MN
Saturday, December 21st, last updated at 10:15 am CST

Scattered Clouds

Scattered Clouds

temp: 14°F
wind: from the Southeast
at 10 mph
wind chill: 0°F
cloud level: 9,000 feet
dewpoint: 9°F
relative humidity: 79%

visibility: 10 miles
barometer: 30.40 inches
Sunrise: 7:59 am CST
Sunset: 4:43 pm CST

Weather Forecast
CloudyNo forecast available
Mostly CloudyPartly Cloudy
Mostly CloudyMostly Cloudy
Partly CloudyCloudy
Partly CloudyPartly Cloudy

High Temperature (F) 19  31  24  29  34 
Low Temperature (F) 50  14  18  10  22 
Precipitation (%) Day/Night 0/1  2/27  12/0  4/7  12/13 
Growing Degree Days 3193  3206  3220  3228  3230 
Probability of Snow (%) 1/1  0/0  0/0  0/0  0/0 
Wind Direction NW  SE  SE  NW  SE 
Wind Speed (MpH) 2G2  12G18  12 
Soil Moisture (% available) 0.13  0.13  0.13  0.13  0.13 
Hours of Sun 1.3  5.6 
Dew Point Temperature 13  24  16  23  18 
Windchill Index (F) 20  22.5  12.5  22.5  27.5 

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